Imagine having real time date stock, pricing, and order history at your fingertips while your customer is still on the phone. Imagine being able to enter the order onto a computer from anywhere, seamlessly communicating the order to production, dispatch and accounts – and you’re still chatting with your customer on the phone. This is the reality with a Nouvem system. Because everyone in the chain is connected, nobody is in the dark. As soon as the dispatch manager scans or weighs the product onto an order, accounts or management can see the docket, even if it’s not yet finished.
Similar to the sales process, our purchasing software arms your procurement & planners with real time information to enable better purchasing decisions. Whether you need to know requirements based on existing orders, stock or historical information, the information is available to you quickly and easy. Complete order history, production yield from previous batch’s, pricing paid, and deliveries received, is some of the essential information to allow you make informed decisions.
At Goods-In, Nouvem software works in the office and in the factory. As goods arrive at goods in, they can be weighed, labeled, batched, and entered into stock according to your process requirements. As these processes are mostly automated, this all happens quicker than the time it takes to record the information in a goods-in book. Traceability and Quality information may also be captured to ensure compliance with relevant standards.
At Dispatch, products may be scanned, weighed, or simply booked onto a delivery from a handheld, factory floor touchscreen, or office PC. Generally, all traceability data is automatically captured by scanning, selecting, or entering the batch number. As the system is fully integrated, traceability information can be automatically carried onto dispatch paperwork, labels, and even invoices.