Weighing, Labelling & Scanning
Nouvem software is purpose built to manage the weighing and labelling needs of a modern meat or food processor. Manage what the operators can do from the office by setting up production runs, products and labels in advance, and viewing reports in real time.
- Produce virtually any label with any barcode
- Create a new label design or edit an existing design yourself
- Manage Allergen Label requirements
- Weigh price labeling of retail packs
- Outer case marker label (OCM Scales)
- Report on all factory activity from the office
- Forms part of the Traceability System
- Reduce labeling errors
- React quickly to customer labeling requirements without the need to involve a 3rd party
- Real time visibility plus historical reports makes for better planning
- Centralized management of all master data, labels, products, batches, barcodes, dates and all other label information
- Reduce giveaway on fixed weight products
- Monitor individual operator performance
- Fast processing time in factory, particularly for catch weights – Label more products
The Nouvem Weighing and Labeling module allows central control and monitoring of all factory weighing and labeling activities. All information is securely stored on your server and accessible from factory or office, onsite or remotely, depending on your configuration.
The Nouvem traceability system enables efficient implementation of your HACCP system. Designed specifically with BRC certification and other common standards in mind, our software can help you in the following key areas . .
- Product Recall
- Mass Balance
- Critical Control Point (CCP) data capture
- Batch Management
- Product Labeling
- Record Keeping
- Customer Relationship Management
- Weighing and Scanning throughout factory
Our solutions are suitable for use in meat processors, abattoirs and cutting plants, poultry processors, pork processors, beef processors, fish processors, as well as food processors or any business that is required to implement a complex traceability system. Our solution modules are part of a comprehensive software suite built for meat and food processors. We offer solutions in procurement, sales, production and dispatch. Our solutions will run on your Office computers as well as factory floor terminals, weighing scales, scanners and printers. Whether you require a highly functional weighing & labeling solution, a waste management solution, or a full factory system integrating with your ERP or Accounts package, we most likely have a solution that will increase your efficiency. Learn More